
"This & That" Series: On Thriving and Celebrations

2024 cancer recovery celebrations classroom for the soul daily life and wondrous adventures faith over fear healing magnetic mindset manifest your good remember where you came from sir winston barkley success mindset summer this & that thrive well-being winston's woof Jun 30, 2024


Happy Summer! Can you believe that we’re nearly in July?! For me, this means it’s time for a mid-year review. Truthfully, these past six months have been equal parts of dedicated hard work, creating new business structures, plus fun times with friends and family which I consider community building. It’s been wonderful, but non-stop overall busyness. OK let’s be real… It’s been like this for a year, since the big move. Honestly I have photos going back to a year ago that I have never gotten around to posting because I was either on to the next social event, or because I had my “head down” focused on work. So now, I am giving myself the grace to have a few days for reflection and recalibration and reorganization.

There’s lots I want to share that doesn’t neatly fit into either a broadcast email or a social media post. So, I’m going to call this blog post series, “This & That” because there’s general information I want to share, Here are a few things filling my head.


June is cancer awareness month and as you may or may not know, I am a “thriver”.  My friend Jon, who also has had his share of cancer related concerns gave me this name after I finished radiation therapy and I really welcomed it because the whole survivor/warrior mindset thing wasn’t landing with me. I don’t like that analogy because war is always too great a cost. I did relate to the Winston Churchill quote: "If you’re going through hell, keep on going”. So when I was in the middle of it,  “moving through” was sort of my mantra. (You can search and read some archived blog posts I wrote when I was in the middle of it.) 

So when after I finished the therapy and Jon called me "a thriver", that term resonated, and I've held onto it. Thriving is something I can relate to. Something that I want to aspire to do. Something that I make a daily practice: Having that magnetic mindset of optimistic possibilities. Mind, it's a practice, so some days I'm more successful that others, but in general, I choose to dwell in possibilities. I encourage you to be a thriver, too. To be a good proactive advocate for your health and well-being!

This month I’ve been getting all my wellness visits and tests completed. It gives me great peace of mind knowing that I’m being a good advocate for my own health. This week, I met with my medical team and I’ve now reached the milestone where I’m considered “cured”!! From now on its just annual mammograms and continued health management. I have to say thank you God for your favor!

Having been through this experience, I feel like a messenger called to encourage you to please be a good advocate for yourself. It's faith over fear. Do everything in your power to manifest your good. Do not delay in getting the answers that you need to make informed decisions to prolong your beautiful life. Do not delay in making the changes that you need to make in order to live a more robust and healthy life.

For me, part of that means losing some weight to reach more optimum health. So, I’ve gone back to Weight Watchers and I’m really enjoying the motivation and camaraderie of the group, the good recipes and ideas. Yesterday I also had the bonus of meeting a new friend in the workshop, who is a francophile. It was such fun speaking French outside of DuoLingo and sharing healthy French recipes. That was a bonus on top of already being a third of the way to my healthy weight goal.

To reach it also means getting back to regular exercise… getting back on the bike and back to the dance studio! I haven’t danced in about a month. There was a pause in tap class for a few weeks and then I was traveling, and actually had a mishap at the Avalon Ball when a large man stepped on my foot. And I wasn’t even on the dance floor when it happened! I thought something was broken, but I got the A-OK  from a foot doctor and this week I’ll be starting up tap class again. I can’t wait! Tap make me so happy! I had dabbled in the past, but I started in earnest a year ago for fun, but also with a plan to incorporate tap into my future performances. Dancing is a complete “flow” experience that gets all those “feel good” hormones coursing through the body. The dance studio is my happy place.You just can’t be in a bad mood when you’re tap dancing! I love the camaraderie, too. I spent many years in the ballet studio, but it's been years since I self-identified as a dancer. I'm starting to feel that way again, which is a great mind shift. This August will be the one-year anniversary of starting lessons here.

Speaking of anniversaries, time flies when you’re having fun! Paul and I just celebrated our 30th Wedding Anniversary!!  We celebrated in my ancestral hometown of San Jose del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico.The photo you see at the top was taken there. It was a short four-day getaway, but it was nurturing food for the soul. The place had been calling out to both of us. We love it there! Here’s the funny thing: Most people flock to Cabo for its crystalline waters and gorgeous beaches. Not us. We were in Cabo, but didn’t even go to the beach this time! Why? Well, in a few days you’ll be able to read all about it. I plan to start a new blog post series called “La Sangre Llama” about how my ancestral roots call out to me and the genealogical sleuthing that I so enjoy. The truth of the matter is that given our limited time frame, the library won out over the beach. 

Other celebrations: Winston’s birthday is on July 5 and he’s robust and spry as ever! In honor of his birthday, I want to share two important healthcare recommendations that may help you and your furry friend(s).

This week Winston had his biannual veterinary visit with his doggy internist, and he, too, got a clean bill of health: All of his previous serious health concerns have been resolved, but they wouldn’t have been if we hadn't had pet insurance. 

Pet insurance. It’s saved Winston and prevented us from having to make decisions about his care on the basis of expense. If you have a pet, look into it! It will save you $ and could save your pet’s life. We use Nationwide, but there are many plans.

Doggie melatonin. If your pet is like Winston and terrified by fireworks, I want to recommend NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid Melatonin. Last year we gave him this tablet and it was a Godsend, he was completely relaxed and slept through the fireworks! It’s also calmed him for grooming & vet visits, travel and thunderstorms.

So on that note, I’m going to get off my soapbox, step away from the keyboard and enjoy a restful Sunday evening. Wishing you a wonderful start to your summer! May it be healthy, fun-filled, restorative & fulfilling!

Sending you love & light,

🌞❤️ 🎶Xoj


Here's a photo from Winston's doggy birthday party in 2022.







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